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Benchmark Assessments

To ensure that each student’s learning is on track and to tailor instruction to their needs, we utilize a variety of assessments throughout the school year including NWEA Math & Reading (Grades K-8) The NWEA assessments provide valuable insights into students' academic progress in math and reading. These assessments are given three times a year to help measure growth and inform instruction, allowing teachers to adjust lessons and resources to meet each student's individual learning needs.

English Language Arts

Curriculum Guides:

Language arts instruction will be based on the Common Core State Standards with a strong focus on teaching reading through high interest books and novels.  Instruction will be supplemented using educational materials supported by “best practices research”.  Language Arts will be taught across all curriculums at Flat River Academy.  Resources will include:

  • K-5th grade – Wonders 2023

  • 6th-8th grade – Amplify ELA

  • Orton Gillingham: Phonics First – K-2nd grade general curriculum 3rd grade and up as intervention

  • Scope & Scholastic News (and other informational publications)

  • Trade books, reading conferences, writing workshop

  • Fluency monitoring

  • Project-based learning and assignments


Pacing Guides:

Mathematics instruction will be based on the Common Core State Standards and Zearn/Eureka Math. Eureka Math is a complete K-8 curriculum with an intense focus on key concepts that layer over time, creating enduring knowledge. Classroom instruction of mathematics content assists students in developing number sense, computation, problem-solving skills, and higher order thinking. Throughout the curriculum students use hands-on resources and the same models and problem-solving methods from grade to grade, so math concepts stay with them, year after year. Instruction will be supplemented using educational materials supported by “best practices” research.

Methods/programs include:

  • K-5th grade – Eureka Math/Zearn

  • 6th-8th grade - Illustrative Math/Zearn

  • Zearn – online program supporting Eureka Math & Illustrative Math

  • IXL 

  • Project-based learning and assignments


Pacing guides:

Science instruction will be based on Next Generation Science Standards. Instruction will be supplemented using educational materials supported by “best practices” research.  A majority of science instruction will be conducted through a “hands on” instructional method.
K-5th grade – Mystery Science
6th-8th grade – Kesler Science
Project-based learning and assignments


Social Sciences

Pacing guides:

Social science instruction will be based on Michigan standards and the Common Core State Standards. Instruction will be supplemented using educational materials supported by “best practices” research.
K-5th grade – Social Studies Weekly
Scholastic News & Scope, Projects
6th-8th grade – McGraw Hill, projects


Students engage in PE 2-3 days a week with a certified physical education teacher.


Students engage in Art class 2-3 days a week with a qualified art teacher.

Technology and Computer Literacy

To master computer literacy, students require hands-on access to computers in real time.  Students will understand the power of technology and its rightful use in our society.  Ethics extends beyond our human encounters to the world of technology.  Students use technology to reinforce the academic core of English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies, to explore careers, and to enhance problem solving and decision making skills.
Flat River Academy will provide students technology through 1 to 1 Chromebooks so that every student has the opportunity to regularly engage in 21st century learning.
Students will be taught how to use technology for both consumption (research, reading, education games and programs) and creation (documents, presentations, videos, coding etc).  Educators will include technology as part of project based learning.
Resources include, but are not limited to:

  • Educational programs and games

  • Word processing and presentation software

  • Google Classroom


School Hours:

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

© 2022 by Flat River Academy

Authorized by Saginaw Valley State University


9481 Jordan Road
Greenville, MI  48838

Managed by Teachers First

Phone: (616) 754-9360

Fax: (616) 712-6080


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